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Rocca Towers client project

  • ES6
  • TypeScript
  • Twig
  • SCSS


Rocca Towers is the newest residential and business quarter in Tallinn.

Our work was to build a complete technical solution for the real estate agency Endover to promote and market their brand-new development.


Worked with the front end team to build UI components and templates using Twig templating library and TypeScript.

The project was a cooperation with an external design agency for a renowned Estonian real estate development company Endover. Providing a tight collaboration network between all parties to establish a perfectly harmonized result.

Was part of a an amazing team with a tight collaboration that created a full WordPress solution with an integration to analytics and sales processes.


My personal effort was directed at creating the layout and atomic components that could be reused throughout any template while still offerring enchanting visual presentation.

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