
Tech stack that I currently use

Passionate about TypeScript, React, NodeJS, GraphQL and statically typed languages in general.

  1. Desk illustration


    I have worked with React from 2016. In freelance capability with building prototype e-commerce solutions using GatsbyJS and NextJS.

    In a professional capacity, I have worked solely with React as a user interface solution from 2017 as I was brought in to work on the Omniva project at Iglu.

  2. Desk illustration


    All of my projects and most of my professional work is written in TypeScript.

    I am strongly opinionated in having at least a resemblance of type safety in a project for easy catching of common type errors.

    Also in helping providing self-documenting code and driving better developer experience.

  3. GraphQL


    I have worked with building GraphQL based projects in both professional and personal capability.

    Building front-end integrations, GraphQL API gateways and CRUD applications.

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©Ott Tooming